Tin Can Bay, adjacent to Fraser Island, hosts one of the few outstanding ecosystems on the east coast of Australia. Since 2004, the community has banded together to fight a marina development. Now, there’s a second development application in the same small waterway and the proposal is currently before Environment Minister Tony Burke. Time is running out before he makes his decision on the developments.
The Tin Can Bay region is unique, unspoilt and special. The Great Sandy Strait and Tin Can Inlet are home to the threatened dugong, five of the marine turtle species and the rare Indo Pacific humpback dolphin. These species rely on coastal or marine estuarine environments and are under pressure for survival throughout the world, largely as a result of human-related activity. Two proposed marina developments in the Tin Can Inlet could have devastating consequences for the local populations of these magnificent animals.
In addition, migratory birds are also under threat with these developments either totally within or adjacent to wetlands of international importance.
Bob Irwin, the father of the late Steve Irwin has thrown his weight behind stopping these developments and you can help by going to this website and filling in a petition to register your objection to the proposal.
I applaud Bob Irwin in his fight to stop this development and hopp e that the QLD Govt will stop this from happening.